Best Sexologist in Ahmedabad are explaining the myths about HIV/AIDS
Do you know that about 40 million people in the world are infected with HIV/AIDS, but there is no vaccine for this disease? Although humans are infecting with HIV for decades, there are still several misunderstandings about the spread of HIV from person to person. Some myths, such as HIV, are spread by sharing food or towels or sleeping in the same bed. In this article, Best Sexologist in Ahmedabad is going to tell you some widely circulated myths about HIV and AIDS. There are some myths and their reality Myth 1: HIV infection means there is no further life. This used to be true, before 1996. After 1996, several antiviral drugs were invented that can stop the spread of the virus in the body (called ART - AntiRetroviral Therapy). As long as an HIV-positive person is subjected to ART, they can lead a normal life like everyone else. However, they may need advice if they are mentally depressed. Myth 2: You can guess if someone has HIV / AIDS by looking at them. This is als...